Leaching line is designed to leach aluminium from steel objects and plastic masks.
Related productsThe leaching line is designed to leach aluminium from steel objects and plastic masks. The cleaning device uses water-based media or water-based cleaning solvents. The process starts at the entry ramp. The operator is taking care that the transport trolley together with a basket is manually pushed inside the device. In the next step operator selects a recipe and confirms it. Automatic transport is provided for the further transmission of baskets between the baths. The baths perform various operations of leaching, rinsing, blowing and drying. At the end of the process, automatic transport puts the basket on the trolley at the exit ramp. The operator manually pulls the transport trolley from the inside of the device.
The device is completely encased into a frame with sealing sheets. The middle part of the frame is closed with acrylic (Plexiglas) glass doors in order to improve transparency. The areas of the bath 1 to bath 6 are placed in drain traps. Vertical swing mechanisms are installed on the baths 1 to 4 for more efficient leaching and rinsing. All the baths with built-in electric heaters are heat insulated. To use the flushing wastewater, tanks with a filtration system are installed on the front side of the unit.
The baths and water inlets are made of stainless steel, quality 1.4404 (AISI 316L). The frame, drain traps and outer sealing devices are made of stainless steel, quality 1.4301 (AISI 304).
The system allows the selection of different programs of the implementation process. The programs contain adjustable parameters such as temperature and cleaning time, rinsing time, drainage (dripping) time over the tub, ... Parameters and thus programs are optimally adjusted to the needs according to the quality of the process. The device is operated via a touch screen (OP panel) located on the electrical cabinet next to the entry ramp. The panel is connected indirectly via a PC (Windows 10 and WinCC) to a Siemens "Fail-safe" controller. Programs or recipes can be obtained from the client's database. Individual washing performance reports can also be stored there.
The process can be arbitrarily composed of the following processing steps. The control system is responsible for the proper sequence implementation as well as for the parameters within the bath.
- The purpose of the entry ramp is to properly set and attach the trolley with the basket. The entry ramp has built-in sensors for detecting the presence of a trolley and baskets.
BATHS 1, 2, 3 - Leaching
- Baths 1, 2 and 3 perform leaching. Electric heaters are built in for heating liquids and the temperature probe allows temperature control. Baths also have built-in adapters for connecting the heat exchanger.
BATH 4 - Second rinse
- In bath 4, second rinse is carried out after a rough rinse in bath 5. Electric heaters and a temperature probe are also installed here. Rinsing is performed by recirculating of the filtered liquid. The return pipe of the aforementioned fluid is provided over the entire surface of the bottom. A built-in overflow channel allows floating dirt particles to be removed. When level drop is detected, the bath is filled through a solenoid valve.
BATH 5 - First rinse
- In bath 5, the first rinse is performed. After the leaching process (baths 1 to 3), a rough rinse is carried out in bath 5, where larger pieces of dirt are removed. Rinsing is carried out in combination with the tank 1. The pump on the tank 1 sends water through the solenoid valves upon the lower and upper dosing tubes, allowing an even flow distribution of water across the entire width of the bath. Excess water flows through the overflow channel back to the tank 1. Electric heaters and a temperature probe are installed to ensure adequate temperature.
BATH 6 - Manual rinsing and blowing
- In bath 6, additional manual rinsing and blowing of water droplets can be performed. For this purpose, a rotating table is built into the bath, along with a shower arm and a blowpipe.
BATH 7 - Drying
- It is intended for drying the objects that have been already washed. Drying is carried out by the forced hot air circulation and blowing of water droplets. Forced air circulation is provided by built-in fans that push the air past electric heaters with heat spreaders and objects. Blowing is performed with a blower, airlocks, and air knives. At the end of the process, before opening the cover and transferring the basket, the bath and objects are cooled to the desired temperature.
BATH 8, 9 - Drying
- Bath 8 and 9 are similarly to bath 7 to be used for drying, but drying is carried out only by the circulation of hot air.
- It is intended for proper positioning and attachment of the transport trolley to the endpoint of the cleaning process. The exit ramp has built-in bus guides, a lock-in of the trolley, and sensors to detect the presence of the trolley and the basket.